NHL Team Reduced Man Games Lost by 50%

Director of Strength and Conditioning @ NHL Franchise

I just wanted to pass along some very interesting man games lost (MGL) data after our full season of implementing RPR. Last season (15-16) our team had 276 MGL, with multiple non-contact soft tissue injuries (we play 68 games in our division). This season (16-17) we had 156 MGL, which was a 43% decrease; however, we did have a player that had to step aside due to personal reasons. Had his MGL not been counted, we would have been down to 131, which would have been a 53% decrease. We also drastically decreased our non-contact injuries. We only had one very minor hip flexor strain throughout the season (said player only missed two games, and never did RPR), and didn't have a single groin strain, which is unheard of in pro hockey.

While MGL is multifactorial, RPR was far and away the biggest difference that we made as a training staff. I'm still stunned and amazed at what a difference such a simple system has made in keeping our players healthy...you might even say that it's as easy as "1-2-3." ;)

Please feel free to share this information on social media; however, I would ask that my name and/or our team/organization's name not be associated with it. I don't think management would be too thrilled with us giving out injury data...

Keep up the great work, gents. You're making a world of difference in a world that needs something different