Thank you for this gift.

Joey Gleason - Track Coach @ Owatonna, MN

I’ve been wanting to take the time to email you ever since our RPR clinic on 4/15.  I was the guy shoveling the steps early that morning and the 41 year old with the old Achilles injury that you worked on.

I had so many ideas driving home that day, wasn’t sure where to start.  Long story short I dove right in on Monday with my 103 Jr. High track athletes.  Buy in took maybe a day at most. Started with Back and Abs demos on stronger coaches.  Some didn’t believe me, I activated their back, boom, and they were sold. What really sold me was we used some Tony Holler / Korfist wicket speed drills.  I started with a pre video of them sprinting through the wickets. We did a different RPR during each phase of the sprint drills and at the end they have both arms to drive hard through the wickets again.  Even to an untrained eye it’s so evident the change in that 15 min of drills and RPR. I’ve done that same test numerous times, including one of our top senior sprinters, and big difference. I can send you some coach’s eye screenshots if you’d like.

At this point, we either do RPR in our warmup or as part of the sprint drills pretty much every day.  Kids have started to do RPR on their soccer teams outside of track, which makes me proud.

Now for the exciting part.  It was easy for others to see my energy and passion for RPR and I’ve shown our AD, Head Strength, and Boys track coaches and all are onboard.  Looks like our Football coach is also very interested and I’ve forwarded on the 5/26 LVL1 class and sure at least one will attend. I will be coming to the 6/1 LVL2 class.

One more story.  I’m good friends with the family of one of the top 3 girl’s sprinters in MN currently.  Pre RPR I checked her hamstring flexibility and they would both catch at about 45. After a full RPR reset, easily 80+ degrees.  She was amazed as was I. Quad flexibility was much greater, and she was correctly firing glutes in a 1,2,3 pattern, previously 2, 3, 1 (nagging hamstring injury).

One other 9th grade boy that I coached last year very promising 200/400 runner.  He had 3 meets in a row running 3 events each (bad combo). Pulled a hip flexor. I finally saw him last night, and clearly it’s a quad illiac hip flexor.  Did zone 1 and had him walk around. He could easily perform upper hip flexion work, but with some pain still in the bottom 30 degrees, whereas before he could barely raise it at all.  Now he just needs recovery and RPR before running again.

Thank you for this gift.  I know it’s going to help many students in the Owatonna area.