RPR Lateral Sling Test

RPR® Lateral Sling Reset

In our last post we took a closer look at the RPR® Lateral Sling Test, and how a bad lateral sling may present in an athlete or client. Now, we’re going to breakdown the RPR® Lateral Sling Reset. This reset uses knowledge from both Levels 1 & 2.

We’ve gotten a lot of requests for this video, so first we need to clarify: the RPR® Lateral Sling Reset isn’t a single reset. Instead, we use a combination of multiple resets in order to correct a bad lateral sling. Watch the video below for a better explanation and demonstration with Cal.

Questions? Post in the comments below!

RPR® Lateral Sling Test

The RPR® Lateral Sling Test can help coaches, physical therapists, chiropractors, and athletic trainers identify problems in any person or athlete that walks on their feet.

Signs of bad lateral sling can include:

  • All speed movements - acceleration speed, lateral speed, change of direction

  • Tight back

  • Upper outside hamstring strains

  • Groin & medial hamstring strains

  • Foot issues

  • “Tight hips”

  • Shift while squatting (Valgus knees)

These are just some of the symptoms/signs an athlete or person with bad lateral sling may exhibit. Check out the video below to learn how to perform the RPR® Lateral Sling Test. Stay tuned — new RPR® Lateral Sling Reset video coming soon!

Cal Dietz performs the RPR® Lateral Sling Test