Level 2

RPR® Complete Foot Reset

In this video, Cal breaks down the RPR® Complete Foot Reset. Proper muscle activation is essential for performance and your feet are the foundation of your body. This simple reset can yield big results including:

- Alleviate or reduce pain in various areas of the body like the knee or feet

- Help improve overall athletic performance 

- Assist in developing balance, strength, positioning, and sport skills

- Suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels

Looking for the deal Cal mentioned? CLICK HERE and use code “RPR” at checkout for 20% off!

RPR® Lateral Sling Reset

In our last post we took a closer look at the RPR® Lateral Sling Test, and how a bad lateral sling may present in an athlete or client. Now, we’re going to breakdown the RPR® Lateral Sling Reset. This reset uses knowledge from both Levels 1 & 2.

We’ve gotten a lot of requests for this video, so first we need to clarify: the RPR® Lateral Sling Reset isn’t a single reset. Instead, we use a combination of multiple resets in order to correct a bad lateral sling. Watch the video below for a better explanation and demonstration with Cal.

Questions? Post in the comments below!

RPR Glute Test and Toe Glute Reflex Sequencing principle

If you work with athletes or individuals who have a history of lower back injuries, hamstring issues, and/or knee pain, THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU. This video will explain where these issues originate and give you the tools and knowledge to fix them. 

In this video Cal breaks down:   

  • correct hip extension firing pattern

  • how to perform basic muscle tests to identify where a deficit exists

  • key indicators of an improper hip extension firing pattern

  • the power of the big toe and how it relates to hip extension and performance

After watching this video, you will be able to identify how your athletes and clients are initiating hip extension, how to address improper hip extension, and how to apply this concept in your training programs to optimize their hip extension pattern and performance.